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Decentralised water technologies in future ahead


The lasting use of water is world-wide the life basis for the next generations. Therefore, sustainable water technologies must adapt themselves to the natural water cycle. Hence, AQUASUS has specialised in the spreading of decentralised water technologies. World-wide.


Comprehensive systems solve water problems


Our enterprise sets priorities on the comprehensive solving of all kind of water problems. Because practical solutions need always qualified products, AQUASUS concentrates on supplying of projects with suitable systems and components.


Increasing the water quality 


Under certain conditions all kind of water can raise considerable quality problems. AQUASUS covers this fact with products and systems which improve with low expenditure the water quality or which prevent a quality deterioration. For this simple processing- and preservation procedures are available as well as special filtration procedures etc..


Improving the water availability


A large part of the water consumption consists of the need in non-drinking water. We have specialised, hence, in the production and use of non-potable water for different applications and water saving technologies. For this products and systems for rainwater harvesting, water recycling, re-use of sewage and solid recycling from water mixtures are available.


Long-lasting quality as a product feature


The quality of products and systems is calculated, beside the long-term functional security, especially also by their longevity. The AQUASUS - product assortment takes the claim to a long life span combined with a low demand of maintenance.


Products + Consultation + Planning = Success


High-quality products are indisputable the basis for sustainable systems. But indeed only if they are installed correctly and are used expertly. AQUASUS therefore offers not only products, but helps the projects to be successful by offering a combination of sales, consultation and project planning. Our customers can complement, according to their demand, our offer of products by different services up to a project planning.


Cooperation with partners from development, planning and science 


AQUASUS works together with proved experts and specialists. Thus we can fall back, beside our own practise-experienced experts, also on the specialists of manufacturers. For planning of systems of bigger projects we co-operate with engineer's like the planning group environment (Planungs Gruppe Umwelt, PGU). For installation and service AQUASUS builds up regional expert's pools. The scientific consultation of AQUASUS is incumbent among others upon the experienced specialists of the Umwelt Buero Schotten (UBS).